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【MEDICA 2024】德国杜塞尔多夫国际医疗展
Views:124次 Updated:2024-11-06
— 2024年11月11日-14日 —

全球最大的医疗展览盛会——MEDICA 2024,将于11月11日至14日在德国杜塞尔多夫盛大开幕。这一展览会,一直以来都被誉为医疗行业发展的风向标,每年都吸引了众多国家的企业热情参与。此次展会将迎来全球各地六千多家企业参展,其中注册的中国企业数量也已达到一千二百多家。对于企业来说,这是一个开拓国外市场的宝贵机遇。在全球经济一体化的背景下,企业需具备全球视野和国际竞争力。通过参加国际医疗展会,不仅可以拓展国际业务,了解客户需求和市场趋势,调整战略方向,还能与同行交流学习,提升技术水平和创新能力。

KellyMed 展位号:H17A04

Founded in 1994, Beijing KellyMed Co., Ltd. is a high technology corporation engaged in R&D, manufacturing and marketing of medical instrument, supported by Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Manufacturing facility, R&D Center, QC Division, Domestic Sales Division, International Sales Division and Customer Support Center were established under KellyMed. Engineers are majored in Physics, Infrared Radiation, Electronics, Ultrasound, Automatization, Computer, Sensor and Mechanics. 60 patents were granted by State Intellectual Property Office of China. KellyMed is ISO9001/ISO13485 Certified. Most of the products are CE marked. The company today produces world-class equipments, which are sold out only in China, but also exported to more than 60 countries across Europe, Oceania, South America and Asia.
Beijing KellyMed Co., Ltd.
Office: 6R International Metro Center, No. 3 Shilipu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100025, China
TEL: +86-10-8249 0385
FAX: +86-10-6558 7908
Mail: international@kelly-med.com
Factory: 2nd Floor, No. 1 Building, No. 2 Jingshengnan Street #15, Jinqiao Industrial Base, Zhongguancun Science Park Tongzhou Sub-Park, Tongzhou District, Beijing, P.R.China